Sunday 5 November 2023

Angela Rafuse Is A Founder Of ‘My Grandfather’s Cat Charity’, Helping Seniors To Rehome Their Pets

 Today, we would like to share a story about a special charity in Canada, dedicated to helping cats in need find their second forever home. “My Grandfather’s Cat” is a registered Canadian charity that provides a service to help seniors and terminally ill individuals arrange homes for their pets before they move into retirement homes or pass away.The founder of this initiative, Angela Rafuse, came up with the idea of starting this non-profit when her own grandfather, who cared for a 14-year-old cat named Mackie, passed away in 2019. The family had to decide who would take care of the feline after his passing, and Angela chose to take responsibility for her. This story inspired Rafuse, and two years later, “My Grandfather’s Cat” was officially founded in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Meet Angela Rafuse and her cat, Mackenzie, the founders of the Canadian charity, “My Grandfather’s Cat”

The inspiration for the charity came when Angela’s granddad passed away, and someone had to care for his 14-year-old cat, Mackie

At the time, Mackie had a reputation for being a mean and grumpy cat, and no one in the family was eager to adopt her

Aware that due to her temperament, Mackie might spend her remaining precious years in a shelter, Rafuse chose to adopt her

Over the course of the next year, Angela discovered that Mackie may have come across as aggressive, but she was truly a loving and adventurous cat with just a bit of attitude

This is why Rafuse often uses the cat’s full name, Mackenzie

This is how the idea for “My Grandfather’s Cat” was born. It was designed to be a safe space for seniors to arrange second forever homes for their beloved pets

In February 2022, less than a year after its launch, “My Grandfather’s Cat” was recognized by the Canadian government as a registered charity

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