Saturday 4 November 2023

It’s My Dream To Be A Full-Time Artist, And Here Are My Favorite Pieces

 With the onset of Covid, like many others, I lost my full-time job as an educator. I began searching for any remote job that would allow me to continue supporting my family. After a challenging search with no reasonable prospects, I decided to pursue my dream job: becoming a full-time artist! This journey has had its struggles but has also been immensely rewarding since I started. I was even fortunate enough to gain a small but incredibly supportive following on my social media accounts in a very short time.

Sleepy Baby Tiger

Sleepy Baby Tiger

Cute Otter

Cute Otter

Sleeping In The Leaves

Sleeping In The Leaves

Mushroom Explosion

Mushroom Explosion

Victorian Fairy Dreams

Victorian Fairy Dreams

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