Wednesday 1 November 2023

This Adorable Golden Retriever Always Finds A Way To Make New Friends While On A Train Ride

 The already famous duo of photographer Ursula Daphne Aitchison and her dog Hugo have another star in the family that recently took the internet by storm.Huxley is the most charming golden retriever dog that can befriend any stranger in his path. In a video that went viral, it’s shown how Huxley introduces himself to different people on a train ride, and people absolutely adore it. Ursula wrote that Huxley also feels who needs his attention and love the most, thus goes and sits next to them.Huxley loves people, and people certainly fall in love with Huxley, so the question is: “Would you make friends with him too?”

Meet Huxley, the friendliest and most outgoing golden retriever that doesn’t miss an opportunity to befriend a stranger

Huxley lives with his brother Hugo and their mother Ursula, who are already known for funny portraits

However, this time, it was Huxley’s time to shine in the family with his friendly personality

Their travels result in Huxley becoming friends with people in hotels, on the streets, or on the trains


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